Accounting | Consulting



Hey, I’m Carmen

I am a CPA and provide accounting services to small business owners. Financial wellness starts with having smooth processes and workflows that just, well, work!

If the only thing standing between you and feeling balanced in life is your finances, than I am here to help make everything feel aligned.



You love everything about running your business….except the numbers part. From reconciling Quickbooks to filing your 1099s, it can get confusing quick. Learn more about how I can help make this the easiest part of your business.

What to Expect

Financially Rested

How much sleep do you loose thinking over your finances? Even profitable businesses can struggle with things like cashflow. Let me help you find rest.

Profit Confidently

Pay yourself, build your business savings, reinvest back into your business - you can do it all when you know your numbers.



Woodfern Accounting Solutions is not the only company on my business card. I also own and manage multiple Airbnb’s in North Carolina and Virginia.

This experience makes me the go-to accountant for Short Term Real Estate Investors. Learn more about how I can support you by visiting the link below (or just check out my Airbnb!)


  • Packages are customized to the needs of the business. To see what that may look like visit our services page.

  • Quickbooks is my go-to. If you have questions about other apps in your app stack - just ask!

  • Sure thing - I offer clean up services to get you up to date. Then recurring monthly services to keep you current.

  • My quoting process starts with a consultation to figure out exactly what you do (and do not) need. To get started, visit my contact page.

Notes From Our Clients